
Showing posts with the label changing system architecture

Evolving code and adding new technologies - Part 4

In this part we will focus more on the process of changing a system architecture and the design at hand  than on code. After trying different approaches in an effort to not change the architecture entirely, with no success, there is only one thing to do. Change the architecture entirely.  TL;DR Brace yourselves, major changes are coming. And they are good! For a recap here is  Part 1 ,  Part 2 ,  Part 3  and  Part 5 What this change is not The system at hand is an on premise system. It does not run in the cloud. I dare say that it does not even run on the same network as the customer's other services. It is an island with a closed network with no access to the world outside including the client's kitchen. These things exist to the extent that remote debugging is not possible, not even plugging a USB key after installation (if there is a USB port on the machine). I plan to address debugging such systems in a post after the series is over so stay t...