
Showing posts with the label recruiter

On job hunts and recruiters

Job hunting for a software developer is a full time job. One polishes and hones one's skills and CV, scours the placement advertising sites and goes out to the world to seek one's next challenge. Ever since the late '90s of the previous century some things have changed and some have not when it comes to looking for a new job. TL;DR tech recruiters have changed . Online presence and you Towards the end of the last century all we had was CVs and not so polished web sites to send our CVs to. Placement companies did their best to make their sites shiny and down the road they even had job posts online with an appropriate submit button to post your CV for a position. In time they also made agents for you to set your job preferences and have the agent send you a notification when a relevant search came up with results. And then somewhere in the second decade of the new century something changed. Your online presence became much more important, not only when looking for a j...