Public speaking - baby steps

Sometime last year I decided that I too have something to say to the world. This is how this blog was born. I really feel it is time to take the next step and try my luck on public speaking. TL;DR this is not long hang in there. 

Where to start

There isn't really a recipe or a user guide on that one. One can start on meetups, try one's luck on a conference out of the blue... Just take your pick. 

I am personally starting in my town of residence, giving a 12 minute session on cryptographic and virtual currencies to a non technical audience. These are people I see every day on my way to the country club, school, gym etc. This is as up close and personal as I could start. 

Consider this... 12 minutes on such a subject and skip the technical jargon. This is quite a challenge! But as one tiny, great fictional green alien once said.. 

Where to go from there

After that 12 minute challenge I plan to speak on friendlier ground. At work towards colleagues on a technical subject. One hour with code and slides. From there a meetup and a conference.

Wish me luck!


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